Homelab Updates

I’ve taken a break from programming and learning Go and started working on my homelab again. I’ve given up on installing and configuring traefik. Maybe I will revisit that in the future.

What I’ve managed to get done in a week in a half is setup caddy as my reverse proxy using the caddy plugin provided in opnsense. Configure unbound DNS, use the lets encrypt on my firewall, create multiple vlans on my network and use opnsense’s IDR. Plans moving forward on the homelabe front is to set up a vpn, stand up a caddy container to handle internal TLS certs on my home network, stand up wazuh, move away from opnsenses’s IDR so I can intergrate crowdsec and continue on my goCoffee application.

If anyone is reading this and wants to know the resources I am using to setup a security homelab, I found an incredible youtube channel that walks you through alot of it. The youtube channel is gerardobrian.